情人節(Valentine's Day),又譯為聖瓦倫丁節,相傳節日命名源於古羅馬時期,青年基督教傳教士Valentine冒險傳教時被捕入獄。他的英勇行為感動了老獄吏及他一名雙目失明的女兒,從而獲得他們悉心照顧。面對行刑前,Valentine寫信給失明女示愛。處死當天,失明女在他墓前種植一棵開紅花的杏樹寄託情思,這天就是2月14日。因此「情人節」定於每年的2月14日,是西方的傳統節日之一。
你又是如何度過情人節??....分享一首四十年代很好聽的老歌 Hank Williams Sr - Cold Cold Heart
"Cold Cold Heart"
I've tried so hard my dear to show
That you're my every dream
Yet you're afraid each thing I do
Is just some evil scheme
A memory from your lonesome past
Keeps us so far apart
Why can't I free your doubtful mind
And melt your cold cold heart
Another love before my time
Made your heart sad an' blue
And so my heart is paying now
For things I didn't do
In anger unkind words are said
That make the teardrops start
Why can't I free your doubtful mind
And melt your cold cold heart
There was a time when I believed
That you belonged to me
But now I know your heart is shackled
To a memory
The more I learn to care for you
The more we drift apart
Why can't I free your doubtful mind
And melt your cold cold heart